Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

Ruptured Ovarian Cysts – Symptoms, Treatment and Natural Prevention

Ruptured ovarian cysts are essentially contained accumulations of fluids within the ovaries. These cysts can vary widely in type, size and severity. While the majority of ovarian cysts are basically harmless, ruptured ovarian cysts have the potential to cause very serious complications.

Whenever any of the common ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms present themselves, it is wise to seek prompt medical attention. Additionally, recurrences of ovarian cysts can frequently be prevented by utilizing one or more natural methods.

Women with ovarian cysts do not always present with noticeable or painful symptoms. Making the diagnosis somewhat more difficult is the fact that symptoms of ovarian cysts often mimic those of other ailments including ovarian cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis.

Also, ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms are often quite similar to symptoms caused by diverticulitis and acute appendicitis. However, there are several key symptoms frequently experienced, and which always require close attention and monitoring. A final diagnosis of the presence of ruptured ovarian cysts is typically made through CT scans or ultrasound procedures.

Those afflicted with ruptured ovarian cysts often experience sharp, sudden pains in the lower abdominal region, pelvis, back, and lower thighs. Pain in these regions may also present as a dull ache, and may be unrelenting. Menstrual pain or irregularity may be additional signs of ovarian cysts. Abdominal bloating and pressure may be noticed by sufferers, along with painful bowel movements. Difficult urination is also often noticed, as is increased or excessive hair growth, headaches and nausea.

Symptoms of a more serious situation stemming from the presence of ovarian cysts include sharp, stabbing abdominal pains, fever, excessive vomiting, increased respiration, lethargy, a lightheaded feeling or chills. These symptoms are indicators of a true emergency, and must always be taken extremely seriously.

Two basic types of ovarian cysts can develop during the menstrual cycle. Follicular cysts occur when the body’s luteinizing hormone surge fails to take place normally, causing the failure of an ovarian follicle to release an egg. A cyst then develops, but is typically painless, causes no damage, and resolves itself without further medical intervention.

Corpus luteum cysts develop when the luteinizing hormone surge of a menstrual cycle does indeed occur, an egg is released, and the follicle starts producing progesterone and estrogen. In some cases, however, fluid manages to accumulate within the follicle, resulting in cyst growth.

This type of cyst often resolves on its own within a matter of weeks, though it does have the potential to grow to substantial size, twist the ovary, limit blood supply and thus prove quite painful. Cysts in the corpus luteum category occasionally swell with blood accumulations to the point of rupturing. This results in severe pain and internal bleeding.

Sufferers of ruptured ovarian cysts often present with tender, distended midsections. Hemorrhaging is of special concern, especially in patients who regularly take blood thinning drugs. Whenever a ruptured cyst is suspected, the appearance of anemia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, poor coloring or general fatigue should be taken as cause for alarm, as all such symptoms suggest internal bleeding which may require surgical treatment. Inexplicable changes in blood pressure are also indicating the need for prompt medical attention.

It is important to note that a number of natural methods exist for alleviating and preventing the occurrence of ovarian cysts. Healthy doses of vitamin E and the fatty acids contained in fish oil are very helpful in staving off ovarian cysts. Flax seed and evening primrose are also recommended to those concerned about ovarian cyst development.

Increasing folic acid intake is another useful strategy for preventing recurrences. Many homeopathic practitioners suggest that women take supplements of sepia, made from cuttlefish ink, in order prevent cysts and otherwise stabilize the reproductive system. Preventing cysts before they develop is perhaps the best, most sensible way to avoid the pain and inconvenience they have the ability to cause.

There are two excellent systems available online that teach you how to treat and prevent all kind of ovarian cysts 100% naturally. You can read more about these products following the links below:
Ovarian Cyst Miracle Book ==> Click Here…
Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets ==> Click Here…